Listen to Iamsu – For The People (song)

Here is Iamsu – For The People (download). The song has just been released with Mp3 streaming [320kbps]. The new track is the latest record from the rap music act that speaks of the systemic oppression, from policing to the corporate levels.
Home of the brave, land of the free
Love on our entertainment but could care less about me
Danglin’ from a string on the tip of the highest peak
With the o going protests across the world about racism and police brutality, music artists have been releasimg songs in support for the movement. Encouraging as it may, alot still needs to be done. Iamsu leaves the short song on a positive note as he signs, “We been doin’ good, doin’ good/ We’ll be good ’til the end.”
Click on the play or download button the track below and update your playlist with the hottest new released trending mp3 songs.
Listen to the full song after the cut.
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