Download Slowthai – Enemy (song)
Here is Slowthai – Enemy (download). The song has just been released with Mp3 streaming [320kbps]. The new track is the latest record from the music act.
It opens with a sample of the 1975’s Matty Healy saying “Everyone send your thoughts to Slowthai, fuck knows where he is but God bless the boy… fucking nightmare,” which is from their performance at that same show. The track also includes a robotic voice saying, “Slowthai, you have officially been cancelled.”
Last year he released his album, Nothing Great about Britain which listed 17 songs. Simce then the English rapper has been quiet for the most part. Fans would be pleased to get a new record.
Click on the button to download or play the track below and update your playlist with the hottest new released trending mp3 songs.
Listen to the full song after the cut.
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