Game of thrones Season 6 Episode 10 (The Winds Of Winter)
As many expected, tonight’s Game Of Thrones season 6 finale included the Tower of Joy plot twist that will prove pivotal to how the show eventually finishes.
We all breathed a sigh of relief as the series finally showed its hand with regards to the Bran flashback, rather than teasing it for next season.
The episode started with Cersei’s trial by the High Sparrow having… the most dramatic ending possible. We finally learned what Ned Stark discovered atop the Tower of Joy. Walder Frey got his just desserts (and dinner, too). And last but not least, Danaerys Stormborn is finally on her way to Westeros with dragons, the Unsullied, the Iron-born, and the Dothraki… and she already has two major allies waiting for her when she arrives
Enjoy the episode on their official website.
Nice movie