Kevin Spacey has denied sexually assaulting Anthony Rapp when the ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ actor was underaged.
The 49-year-old actor claimed in October 2017 that the former ‘House of Cards’ star had made unwanted sexual advances towards him after inviting him to a party when he was just 14, but in new court documents, Spacey has insisted that his accuser wasn’t even present at the party at which the alleged incident occurred.
In an Answer to Verified Complaint filed on Friday (20.11.20), Spacey’s lawyer wrote:
“Defendant admits he was in the audience for a production of ‘Precious Sons’ in approximately the late 1980s in which Plaintiff Rapp was a cast member.
Defendant admits he briefly met Plaintiff Rapp on a few occasions at most, but Defendant’s interactions with him were peripheral and limited.
Defendant denies he invited Plaintiff Rapp to any party at his home … Defendant denies Plaintiff Rapp attended any alleged party at Defendant’s home.
Defendant denies that the alleged incident or any other wrongdoing alleged by Plaintiff Rapp occurred.”
The ‘American Beauty’ actor also denied similar claims made by a second plaintiff, who is known only as C.D., who alleged he was raped at the age of 14 when he visited Spacey’s home after they met at an acting class.
And the 61-year-old star wants C.D.’s anonymity to be removed.
According to America’s OK! magazine, his lawyer wrote:
“[Spacey] objects to Plaintiff C.D.’s use of a pseudonym and failure to disclose his identity, even to [Spacey].
Despite this improper withholding of his identity, and [Spacey’s] resulting inability to fully investigate and address the allegations, [Spacey] nonetheless makes a good faith attempt to answer the allegations in the Complaint.
“By providing this Answer, [Spacey] in no way suggests he has not been, and does not continue to be, prejudiced by Plaintiff C.D.’s anonymity.
[Spacey] reserves the right to amend this Answer as deemed necessary or appropriate, including once Plaintiff C.D.’s identity is disclosed.”
The disgraced actor has asked for a jury trial in the case, and believes the court should rule in his favour to deny the plaintiffs’ request for any financial damages, getting his accusers to pay his legal fees and award him “such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.”
Last year, a criminal case against the actor – in which he was accused of groping an 18 year old, who he believed to be over 21, in a bar – collapsed when it was discovered the plaintiff had manipulated evidence.
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