Jay Electronica has Called Out Rabbi Abraham Cooper Over Nick Cannon’s Podcast. The MC has frequently spoken out in defense of the Nation of Islam and The Honorable Louis Farrakhan and following Rabbi Abraham Cooper’s discussion with Nick Cannon on Cannon’s Cannon Class podcast, Jay Elec says Cooper “lied” about “the history of the Caucasian race.”
“Rabbi Abraham Cooper is a COWARD who LIED to our brother Nick Canon (sic) about the history of the caucasian race,” Jay Elec tweeted on Saturday (July 25). “Ask him does he stand behind the VILE TEACHINGS of the Talmud? Don’t be a coward next time Cooper you DEVIL.”
He added in follow-up tweets, “Sit down w The Hon. Louis Farrakhan or The Exec Council of the NOI and defend your claims and prove us wrong. WE are INDEED THE TRUE Children of Israel. And you are an imposter and birthright stealer as described in the scriptures. The ADL, THE WEISENALL CENTER… BRING EM OUT.
We DEFY you to challenge us on these claims publicly. You LYING antisemites.”
Following his firing by ViacomCBS for making anti-semitic comments on his Cannon’s Class podcast, Cannon invited Cooper, the associate dean and director of Global Social Action Agenda at the Simon Wiesenthal Center to have a discussion.
Cooper revealed to Black Enterprise that he warned Cannon about apologizing for making anti-semitic comments.
“We forewarned him. I think he understood that whatever he was going to say, that it would go sideways,” he said. “That is the culture that about a million people around the world, most of the younger generations, have embraced.” He added, “the price tag for that is you almost never have time to reflect, to take a deep breath.”
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