Download Kossisko & G-Eazy – The End (song)
Here is Kossisko & G-Eazy – The End download. The song has just been released with Mp3 streaming [320kbps]. The new track is the latest record from the rap music acts.
Yeah, time’s coming down
It’s the apocalypse now
I ain’t making this up
But if we all go out at least I’ma go out while waking shit up (You know)
No mix in my cup
But I want to mix some drugs and some liquor with you
I’m tryna watch the world finish with you
Finish together, you finishing too
Faded I just wanna send it with you
Thinking like “How did I end up with you?”
G-Eazy just dropped two new song, Angel Cry and Moana.
Click on the button to download or play the track below and update your playlist with the hottest new released trending mp3 songs.
Listen to the full song after the cut.
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