Nipsey Hussle murderer Eric Holder is being held in Solitary confinement, Police fear prisoners will kill him in Population
American rapper Nipsey Hussle died March 31st but his memory lives on with tributes coming in from around the world. His killer on the other hand is having a hard time after his disdastardly act. Hussle’s murderer is locked up and currently being held in solitary confinement. Cops fear that Eric Holder will be murdered the first day he is in general population with other prisoners. Nipsey was so beloved in Los Angeles that Cops are already getting threats from inside the jail that Eric is being held. Threats are promising to kill Eric soon has he steps foot in population.
Police apprehended Eric Holder the suspect wanted in the Nipsey Hussle murder case at a mental health facility. A video has surfaced from a woman who works at the facility and upon pulling up to her job, police had it blocked off. When the employee saw the man who was apprehended she said it looked like the guy that everyone was posting. Apparently Eric Holder called the facility to let them know he was coming in.
Police reveal that Nipsey Hussle was at his Marathon store to meet up with an old friend who just got out of Prison. Nipsey was meeting him there to give him a reported $50,000 to get a place and car, plus some clothes from store. Nipsey did not tell his main security or his other close friends of his whereabouts which is why no one was there to protect him.
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