Juice Wrld Sued For Hit Song, Lucid Dreams by Sting
Juice Wrld just learned a bit about the music business as he is being sued by Sting for 85% for “Lucid Dreams”. The lawsuit is for the use of the guitar riff from Sting’s “Shape Of My Heart” which released in 1993. The “Lucid Dreams” producer Nick Mira explained via Twitter that he already had to pay up his 85% to Sting and now apparently Sting wants more.
Mira stated
“After taking 85% of Lucid Dreams (for interpolating Shape of My Heart, NOT EVEN sampling) he threatened to take us to court for trying to get any %. Sting ALSO flexed stealing our money and said it put his grandkids through college … everybody put a FUCK @OfficalSting in the comments if you real.”
To make matters worse Sting joked about being able to put his grandkids through college with money he received off the royalties from “Lucid Dreams”.
Sting stated
“Beautiful interpretation that is faithful to the original song’s form.”
Lost millions made millions…the song impacted to many ppl in a good way for me to be upset over it..there’s always more money to be made and I will make it so ❤️❤️
— . (@JuiceWorlddd) November 18, 2018
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