Father disowns his son with newspaper advert.
A Nigerian businessman who accused his son of trying to take over his business, has publicly disowned his son in a newspaper advert.
According to the Nigerian businessman, his son tried debasing him with writings to Federal Government Institutions and commercial banks, alleging that he has retired and the family business has been handed over to him.
He further alleged that his son who he disowned in a newspaper advert, manipulated documents at the Corporate Affairs Commission in a bid to take over the companies.
Here the newspaper advert by the Nigerian businessman below;

A similar incident played out few months ago, after an Enugu man, identified as Christopher ChInweuba Okam, publicly disowned his second son, Mr. Nnamdi Joseph Okam, who he tagged as wayward.
He Wrote:
I, Sir Prince Christopher ChInweuba Okam, male, Christian, Nigerian, a native of Enugu-Agidi In Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State of Nigeria., residing at No. 2 Eze Okam Crescent, Maryland, Enugu state of Nigeria hereby declare that Mr. Nnamdi Joseph Okam who was my second son, Is no longer my son. After his primary school at University Primary School Enugu, I sent him to university secondary school, where he obtained his senior secondary school Certificate following which I sent him to Nnamdi Azikiwe University where he obtained BSC. in Economics.
After his graduation, I integrated him In my haulage transport business “Prince Okam and sons Limited” and I allowed him to supervise the business so as to gain experience rn haulage transport business. Six months later, I settled him with 2 (two) brand Mercedes Benz trailers (1924 model), to kick start his own business.
Two years later he disposed the trailers and allegedly kick started a suspicious business which I personally felt that Is not genuine and his flamboyant and grandiose lifestyle could not be supported by any genuine business. He has persistently demanded from me the documents of all my landed properties for him to take full control then he will retire me to the village against my wish.
Following my refusal he allegedly mobilized all my children to rise up against me, joined forces with my enemies to fight and destroy me so as to achieve his aim Mr Nnamdi Joseph Akam, openly and allegedly identified and financially supported those that are opposed to my coronation as the new traditional ruler of Enugwu-Agidi after being validly selected.
He serially boasted that he will financially induce the rest of my children and my kinsmen to chase away my new wife that I married after the death of his mother in event of my demise and ho also manipulated the rest of my 12 children to desert me in my old age. on any physical encounter with him, he will use the most foul and obnoxious language on me. a well respected and revered business man in Enugu-Agili.
He should be satisfied with all I have done for tumor given to him in my life time (included landed property) and henceforth, he should no longer act on my behalf or participate in my burial according Christian rights. The public should no anger regard him as my son from now henceforth.
Sir Prince C C Okam
Father of the son
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