Download Chip – 0420 (R.I.P Black the Ripper) (song)
Here is Chip – 0420 (R.I.P Black the Ripper) download. The song has just been released with Mp3 streaming [320kbps]. The new track is the latest record from the rap music act which also gets visuals treatment.
Chip speaks on how much his dear friend meant to him and by releasing it on April 20 he honours Black The Ripper, whose activism and Dank Of England brand made him a hero to smokers everywhere. The rapper also gives his personal experience of Samson, speaking highly of his character and giving us an insight into the great man he was.
Click on the button to download or play the track below and update your playlist with the hottest new released trending mp3 songs.
Listen to the full song after the cut.
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