Illegal migrants arrested in Kenya with fake US dollars.
A Nigerian illegal migrant who was arrested in Kenya with fake US dollar bills has claimed it was for a movie shoot and not meant to be spent.
Police officers in kenya on Wednesday arrested a Nigerian national in South B and seized fake US dollar bills.
The man identified as Henry Omoaka, 51, was nabbed at Malaika Apartments with fake notes of USD251,400.
The suspect claims that some people, among them Kenyans and Nigerians, set him up.
The officers also found out that the man, who claims to be a scriptwriter for film makers, had outdated travel documents.
Omoaka lived alone in the rented apartment. He denied knowledge of fake or money laundering dealings.
The arrest follows barely two days after DCI sleuths nabbed two Chad nationals and their Kenyan driver under similar circumstances.
The three were nabbed on Monday with Sh1 billion fake notes in dollar and Euro currencies at an apartment in Westlands.
Detectives said the fake money, in heaps of the said currencies, was used to fleece unsuspecting Kenyans of their cash.
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