XXXTentacion’s murderer Dedrick Williams was assaulted & raped by Kodak Black goons in Broward County Jail
News floating the web right now is that someone from Dade county jail system confirms that XXXTentacion’s murderer Dedrick Williams was assaulted in Broward County jail.
Word we got from our informant is that he was told Dedrick was getting a shower when he was ambushed with an attempted rape, which in jail is the ultimate sign of disrespect. The reports state that Kodak Black’s people may have had something to do with it. This makes total sense because XXXTentacion and Kodak Black are extremely tight friends like brothers. One has to think if the assault was calculated to happen the day of XXXTentacion’s memorial which was held at the BB&T Center in Broward County today. We are currently trying to get pictures of the assault once we do we will be sure to share them all. As you see we are told Dedrick was beaten down pretty bad.

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