Fever 333 – STRENGTH IN NUMB333RS (Album download)
Fever 333 comes through with a 10 tracks brand new album entitled “STRENGTH IN NUMB333RS“. On their debut full-length, Strength In Numb333rs, the trio flit between genres with ease; rock, metal, hip hop, post-hardcore, punk and drum’n’bass are all assimilated and spat out into an inflammatory, feverish stew that is set to incite pits and unite dissenters worldwide.
The album rarely sits still, with riffs, rhymes and refrains that would be cornerstones of records by Korn, Marmozets or even RATM delivered and discarded in quick succession. Motion is constant and listening to Strength… gives one the courage to believe that change is not only possible but inevitable.
STRENGTH IN NUMB333RS sizzles with invention, crossing genres with a funky spring in its step. But where it truly succeeds is in its enormous heart, and its desire for inclusivity, community and simply for people to be better to one another. Where it would be easy to take a pop at obvious targets, FEVER 333 offer an idea of how to be the change you want to see in the world. In doing so, they’ve created a record with an energy to it that only comes from truly believing in what you’re doing, and here Jason reckons he and his band are capable of setting the world on fire and rebuilding it in a fairer, more pleasant image.
Download, listen and enjoy below.
Download Fever 333 – STRENGTH IN NUMB333RS
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