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50 Cent calls Dame Dash & Nick Cannon suckers for snitching on Jay Z about smashing a 16 year old Foxy Brown


50 Cent calls Dame Dash & Nick Cannon suckers for snitching on Jay Z

50 Cent calls Dame Dash & Nick Cannon suckers for snitching on Jay Z

News have circulated stemming from the Surviving R. Kelly docuseries by Lifetime and it showed Dame Dash snitching on Jay Z, by telling Nick Cannon that Jay smashed Foxy Brown when she was only 16 years old. It seems another Rap Icon caught wind of this and is now calling Dame a sucker for it. 50 reposted the video on his Instagram account and in his caption called Dame and Nick Cannon suckers for gossiping like girls trying to get Jay Z jammed up. Even Funk Flex & Flo’Rida manager Freezy chimed in.

Check the IG post below with Flex and Freezy comments and tell us what you think! Is Dame snitching on Jay Z?

50 Cent calls Dame Dash & Nick Cannon suckers for snitching on Jay Z

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