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Dame Dash tells Nick Cannon that his then girlfriend Aaliyah told him R Kelly raped her so he begged Jay Z not do album with R Kelly


Dame Dash tells Nick Cannon that his then girlfriend Aaliyah told him R Kelly raped her

Dame Dash Says Aaliyah told him R Kelly raped her so he begged Jay Z not do album with R Kelly

Dame Dash recently sat down with Nick Cannon for his hit webseries #CannonsClass. The topic of discussion was R Kelly. Dame Dash who was Co-Ceo of the legendary record label Roc-A-Fella Records dated the late great Aaliyah. Aaliyah was founded by R Kelly and was in a relationship with him when she was only 15 years old. Aaliyah was one of the first documented young girls R Kelly preyed on. Fast forward to the year 2000 when Jay Z and R Kelly teamed up to do a joint album called “Best of Both Worlds”.

Dame was pissed off about the album and did not want Jay to do it and hinted that this album was the start of the end for their business relationship. Dame says he never could agree with it because he knew that R Kelly raped his girlfriend Aaliyah. Check the intervew below.

Jay-Z & R.Kelly “Not Guilty” (we have to stop looking the other way) #CannonsClass

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