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Chris D’Elia Exposed Himself To 2 Women Without Consent: Report

Chris D’Elia has been accused by two women of exposing himself to them without their consent. In June, the comedian was hit with allegations of sexual misconduct against underage women.

He has since denied the allegations while simultaneously admitting his faults with an apology but new allegations have emerged since in a massive exposé by CNN.

Three new women have come forward with claims that Chris D’Elia exposed himself to them without consent on several different occasions. Actress Megan Drust, Laura Vitarelli, who previously shared her accounts with D’Elia in June, and a third woman who asked to remain anonymous made these allegations, accusing D’Elia of essentially getting naked in front of them without their consent. Drust said D”Elia and her were in her car when he “he took down his zipper and asked me to touch him.”

“I said, ‘What are you doing? No.’ And because I wouldn’t touch him, he started to masturbate. I couldn’t believe it,” she said.

Another woman was a manager at the Kimpton Schofield Hotel in Cleveland where D’Elia stayed in March 2018. She said she received a call from D’Elia who asked for his air conditioner to be repaired. Once she got up to the room, D’Elia was allegedly butt-naked and she turned around before he called back again. She told him she’d have to wait for an electrician the next morning and then hung up the phone.

Vitarelli recounted getting an invitation to go to his hotel room in 2015. They said the lights weren’t on and he was watching cops before asking them to put their phones in a basket.

“There was no sign of a party at all,” Vitarelli said. “He said he was going to make us drinks and her and I were both a little nervous just because it really didn’t look like he was about to throw a party. There was nobody else there.”

She explained that he started getting a bit touchy which is when they decided to leave. “He got up with us and followed us to the door and said, ‘Are you sure you want to leave?’ And he pulled out his penis and it was fully erect,” Vitarelli told CNN. “It was very uncomfortable for the both of us, and we knew we had to get out of there so we left as fast as we could.”

A lawyer for D’Elia denied these allegations, saying he “emphatically states that he has never engaged in any sexual conduct with any woman without her consent.”


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