Megan Thee Stallion To Open An Assisted-Living Facility. The ‘Savage’ rapper has been studying for a bachelor’s degree in health administration via part-time online classes at Texas Southern University but as she is unsure she can use her qualification – which she hopes to complete next year – while her music career is going from strength to strength, she’s got a plan in mind that will also help her classmates gain employment.
She said: ”I really wanted to be an administrator over a hospital, but I knew I still wanted to be Megan Thee Stallion. I was like, ‘What can I do?’
”I was like, ‘You know what, I’m gonna open an assisted-living facility and use the money that I make from rapping to open it. Then I’m gonna let my classmates run it.”
Before the coronavirus pandemic called a halt to concerts, Megan did everything she could to fit her studies around her gigs, explaining she was always ”either finishing schoolwork on the way to a show, after a show, or getting it done in the morning so I can be a rapper at night.”
Although Megan took the course for herself, she also wants to honour her mom Holly Thomas – who died in March 2019 after battling brain cancer – and her late grandmother, who also passed away last year. Megan – whose father died when she was a teenager – told People magazine: ”I want to get my degree because I really want my mom to be proud. She saw me going to school before she passed.
”I want my [grandma] to be proud. She saw me going to school before she passed.
”My grandmother that’s still alive used to be a teacher, so she’s on my butt about finishing school. I’m doing it for me, but I’m also doing it for the women in my family who made me who I am today.”
The 25-year-old star admitted the women who raised her had a huge impact on her life and credits them for her drive and work ethic.
She said: ”I’ve always seen everybody in my life be independent.
”My daddy passed away when I was 15, so my mama was still going hard taking care of us.
”If we were going through money problems, my mother and my two grandmothers always made sure I didn’t know. We could’ve been struggling, but they made it work.
”I’ve always seen strong women making it work, so I’ve always wanted to have that same drive the women in my family have. I know I get a lot of my strength from my mother and both of my grandmothers.”