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T.I goes with Daughter To Gynaecologist to check if she is still a virgin


T.I goes with Daughter To Gynaecologist to check if she is still a virgin

Rapper T.I goes with daughter to gynaecologist to know if she is still virgin

Rapper T.I just took parenting to a whole new level and most recently was was on a podcast where they spoke about strict parents. T.I. revealed that he goes to the gynecologist and watch the doctor check his Daughter Deyjah to confirm that she is still a virgin.

Check out the podcast below and tell us what you think. Is T.I. pushing the barriers with his ways of parenting his daughters?

Scroll to 1:50 of the podcast.

TI BRAGS About Taking Daughter Deyjah To GYNO Appointments To Make Sure She's "In Tact" #shes18

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