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Coca-Cola Introduces Alcoholic Beverage In Japan

Coca-Cola has Introduced A New Sugary Alcoholic Beverage In Japan

Coca-Cola has taken a new approach to introducing their latest fusion of alcohol and carbonated pop in Japanese markets.

The beverage is being considered an “alcopop” which in Japan is also known as Chu-Hi or Chūhai.

Coca-Cola’s latest contains only 3 to 8 percent alcohol per can, alongside some additional flavouring. This pits the refreshment in direct competition with pub mainstays like beer. The low alcohol content is also an attempt to bait female consumers, who apparently prefer their spirits and other beverages to be less stiff than a man’s drink.

However, this isn’t the first time the company has produced an alcoholic beverage. Throughout the late 1970s, Coca-Cola indulged in a bit of viticulture, selling wine that was made from vineyards in California and New York. The bottled drink was once available on United Airlines flights, but quickly dissipated not long afterwards.

Coca-Cola has been soliciting new customers with products geared towards specific audiences. They recently introduced four new Diet Coke flavours in an attempt to appease the more health-conscious millennial consumer who is typically not fond of carbonated pop.

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