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Quando Rondo – Sticc to the Code (download)


Download Quando Rondo – Sticc to the Code (song)

Quando Rondo - Sticc to the Code (mp3 download)

Here is Quando Rondo – Sticc to the Code download. The song has just been released with Mp3 streaming [320kbps]. The new track is the latest record from the music act and follows up “Who Died?”, “Nita’s Grandson.”

She can’t even compare me I’m nothing like ’em
Hardest thing in the streets call it fire fighter
Shawty foreign no cap, like she come from China
She the finest, I ain’t see nobody finer

Click on the button to download or play the track below and update your playlist with the hottest new released trending mp3 songs.

Listen to the full song after the cut.

Sticc to the Code by Quando Rondo


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