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Jay Rock ft. Jeremih – Tap Out (Video) [R18]


Jay Rock ft. Jeremih - Tap Out (Video)

Jay Rock releases 2 videos, the SFW & NSFW version of his song “Tap Out” featuring Jeremih.

Jay Rock gets away with both sides of the personality test, by making his R&B compadre the scapegoat. He sips a little something, finds honeydip under a strobe light, leaving his man behind with an incorrect charge for their night of drinking & parlaying. As he departs, Jay Rock gives off a careless shrug, that says, “let me be the bad seed for once,” as Jeremih looks on showing no sign of protest.

Jay Rock did the improbable and made a record for the fellas in the club. The “Safe For Work” version of the video is embedded above, whereas the “NSFW” appears below this written statement. Pick your poison the way you would a desired commodity with an incongruent zodiac sign. Proceed with caution.

Jay Rock ft. Jeremih - Tap Out (Official Video)

Jay Rock ft. Jeremih (NSFW)  - Tap Out (Official Video)

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