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Music: SugarKay (@its_sugarkay) – ShinGehGeh (Spiritual Loving) Prod By Killertunez

Second position 2011 Glo Rock’n’Rule Enugu winner who suddenly vanishied from the Music scene on his quest to round up his university education, serve his country and rebrand his music is back with this totally different genre of music, from words we’ve gathered sugarkay joined a local church choir during his service year in Bori Rivers state and currently is acquiring production skills.

Sugarkay on this totally different genre that he calls “afrospiritual” has promised his fans that hence forth he ll bring them all along to make future history to kick off this promise he drops this new single Shin’gèh’géh[spiritual loving] Prod.By Killer tunez.

Powered by Dream Team Music + Music Axtonish.. Enjoy


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